
Hi, just a heads up

This is mostly a test, or a wip or whatever since im really new to this shit, so far i really like it but I should have been doing this before my Geometry Regents tomorrow lmfao

Credit to Sadgirl's layout thingy, thank you because I could not have the patience to learn this when Im currently studying lol

I will try my best to use this opportunity to not only share my art and my documentation of the Mina Mongoose game I'm (hopefully) gonna work on, but also as a way to stay away from social media a lot more for my own sake, sanity, and mental health.

It's fucking poison, for lack of a better word.

But to the randoms that are checking this site for some reason (how) hi, I'm Rose and this place is pretty self explanatory, I will learn HTML and CSS and what not to make this look prettier and more original so please have patience as I take 12 years to add 2 different places to this mess, I will try my best to be as active here, more than twitter so for now I wont link any social media I have, and I will also post some of my art here that I think is good (All Mina Mongoose :sob:) so if you are one of the two people that are into that well... Welcome lol

Thank you for introducing me to this.

- Rose



the best girl of them all

More insane ramblings about her later but she is me, and I love her very very much, she was one of the first characters I've ever felt attached to, and it stayed that way for years, I draw her all the time and I'm willing to take all the time I have left in the world to show the amount of love I have for this character and finish THE GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My other interests

No one asked but you wanna know what I want my game to be like? The best game eva.

Super Meat Boy not only influenced me as a artist but also as a game designer, listening to Edmund Mcmillen (the goat) on interviews is so cool because he explains his thought process so well and so casually, you would think that Meat Boy's learning curve would have been spreading around like wildfire, but just like the state of modern gaming where you are forced to watch a tutorial there are not a lot of games that teach the player in such a clean way. Like the game knows the player isn't stupid and will eventually learn from their mistake little by little, death by death, it's wonderful, I LOVE THIS GAME.

My brain sees these 2 as the exact same game because they are both really cool

Doom and Half Life ruined my life and I could not be happier about it

Yea they might already been talked about a billion times

Yea Doom sucks after episode 1

Yes I fucking hate xen

And I love these games to death regardless, these games are the reason why im super picky on the shooters I play, because these games are so fun to play, Doom is so addicting, if i go to hell and im forced to play the entirety of Doom 2 I wouldn't be complaining, it's so cool the guys at ID made a game that feels so from the times yet so timeless at the same time, Eternal is definitely my favorite so far, but I suck massive ass at it and starting a new game with no dash on ultra violence hurt my muscle memory. But Half Life is like, 1 SINGLE CENTIMETER better than Doom (the classics at least.) Half Life has such a amazing story simply told through the enviroment that still hooks me to it even if I played the game a thousand times, the gameplay once you understand how the ai works and fuck up the scripting is so fun. Half Life MMOD makes the game a bit more fun to me personally (and it looks cooler) but Vanilla Half Life is kind of brutal in the first time you play but once you master it it becomes a blast

Fuck Interloper tho.......... On a Rail isn't even that bad I can beat it without a railcar

I think this game ruined my brain chemistry

Woooow 2 Edmund games wooooow

I love this man
