July 2, 2024

5 days ago since I updated this jesus

It's 3:00 am... I will keep this short and sweet as to not get too personal, but, as the 2 people that noticed I haven't been working on this site or shown off what I do here at all, and don't worry! I've had that in mind for those past 5 days. I have just realized that my entire spirit has been destroyed since the school year started, I have been becoming increasingly more and more miserable and demotivated to do anything to the point now I just feel like I don't wanna do anything.

And honestly, typing this on my laptop, where it heats up the keys and makes it painful to even type on doesn't make any better, but I know this is not a good excuse to not at least tell you where I'm at right now. I passed all my exams! This is the 2nd year since I moved to the USA where I don't have to go to summer school anymore, so I've been trying my best to not waste my summer time, but playing Doom Eternal is way more tempting than working on the comic. It's not like I haven't being doing anything for the most part, I just been doing other stuff I find fun.

One of those things is modding, specifically making maps and sprites for games I like, and by that I mean I've just been fucking around with Ultimate Doom Builder and Slade3.

I made about 6 WADS (currently working on one called "Suffer") and just 1 pk3 but you can have the 3 mods I'm comfortable with sharing.

(The background is the unused Mina sprite that was supposed to be the player sprite but the size was too big, thats why the final one is different)

I have also been doing a little bit of Isaac modding, but I stopped after realizing the animation tool it uses is unusable for me since the resolution for my awful laptop doesn't fit, thanks Tyrone for not making a normal animation tool for modders.

Super proud of how these came out honestly, also special cameo from me and a fat American I know.

So yea, that's what I've been mostly doing, just focusing on other things, I will update and soon post my art on this site as soon as I get a new tablet because all my art since 4-5(?) months ago has been on paper and most of it is stuff I'm not proud of or that I've posted on other places before, I will also try my best to make this site look more stylistic and nicer so it doesn't look bland and you won't get bored of reading this stuff (implying you haven't.) This page will just be for updates I feel need to be said so this doesn't feel like a diary and gets bloated by the minute.

That's all I wanted to say, I will do what I can with this website and not leave it behind like the many things I stopped working on, please have patience with me as I will hopefully gain all my strenght and motivation the time this new tablet comes to my doorstep lol.

See you later.

- Rose